Romantic Plantation Stay – for that extra spice

romantic plantation stay view munnar

Romantic Plantation Stay – for that extra spice

Romantic Plantation stay. In the midst of nature. My prescription for either kindling a fledgling romance or making the fire stronger in an existing romance.

Why a plantation stay for romance?

Why do I say so? Let me try and explain… As logically and rationally as possible for a completely irrational emotion called love… 😊 After all, romance is about spontaneity and subjectivity not objectivity. And predictability or rationale be damned…

The biggest killers of romance to my mind are outside influences. Romance best flowers in a cocoon that has nothing and no one other than the couple concerned. Don’t you agree? That’s why honeymoons are not undertaken with the family in tow… And why you don’t go for a tender romantic meeting to a noisy bar…

The solitude and privacy that is essential to romance. A sort of cocooning of one-selves. Plantations provide that cocoon. A cocoon that one can come out of at will… Or retreat at will… A cocoon where the daily intrusions of life can be forgotten – food, cooking, cleaning, kids, work, etc.  A bit of an escapist fairy-tale, I agree. But isn’t the best romance a kind of fairy-tale?

A Romantic Plantation stay

Imagine a small bungalow to yourselves. Maybe a colonial one. Or one that is with nature. Imagine rolling meadows or farm or trees all around. The sound of birds to wake you up. Maybe a small stream gurgling away close by.

romantic plantation stay - brook in munnar

Long walks, leisurely lazing around. No sounds of the city – vehicles and horns, mobiles ringing or TVs blaring… Unobtrusive help and food that is a call away… The Sun maybe? Or mist? Is it rain you prefer? Or the cold? Take your pick.

The joy of discovering a small modest place of worship in a sudden clearing in the woods… And spending a quiet moment in contemplation or prayer…

Romantic Plantation stay – where you customize your holiday

You can even choose your level of luxury required. I would recommend a comfortable stay that is not necessarily luxurious. If you have the budget, spend it on more days together rather than spending on luxury elements. After all, when romance is on your mind, how does it matter if the waiter is serving you with a ceremonial turban on his head? 😊

This is a time to enjoy nature and the simple life. Sunrises and sunsets. Discovering each other to the exclusion of all else. Or maybe re-discovering each other… Cocooned away from the world. Cocooned away in a fairy-tale world of romance. Like this romantic pair of Nilgiri Tahr in the wild…

romantic nilgiri tahr munnar

There is nothing like nature and cocooning, for kindling the romance while honeymooning… Or firing up an old romance… That’s probably why a second honeymoon is quite the in-thing now… Or maybe even romance your own hobby of maybe photography all by yourself. In splendid isolation…

romantic plantation stay photographer

Don’t trip on the usual

You don’t get this in the most expensive of city hotels or beach resorts. This happens only in the lap of nature. In a romantic plantation stay. A tea plantation in Darjeeling or Assam… Or a coffee estate in Coorg or Chikmagalur. Maybe a spice estate in the Nilgiris? Or a vegetable farm in Maharashtra? An organic farm in Karnataka or Kerala or Sikkim? Maybe an apple orchard in the Himalayas?

Believe you me, there are many such options now. As the regular city-life grows more hectic and work pressures increase, relationships suffer. Romance dies under the wheels of the drudgery of everyday life. There are quite a few who crave this cocooning…

Where should you go for romance?

I will not do a prescriptive one-size-fits-all suggestion here. Write to us with your requirement and time of travel. I will then suggest the best suited options for you from the many that we have in store. Do write in – we love spreading the love…

Check out the other romantic places in India or maybe the unexplored honeymoon destinations in India. In case you are a nature lover, check out the natural wonders of India.

India is not just about romance. There is a lot of history, mystery, culture, nature and wildlife here. Check out these aspects of Incredible India beyond the regular tours and packages.

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