
Potala Palace in Tibet, the Forbidden Land

Why Tibet?

The Potala Palace of the Dalai Lama has always been a source of great fascination for me. In fact, all of Tibet, the Forbidden Land. The fact that it was a land that very few were allowed in (especially Europeans were prohibited entry!) was the base of its allure. This was compounded by a series...

Travel Musings – Being Shiva – Create with love, Abandon without a care

Travel musings

Solo travel has a great way of clearing the mind. It allows one to think and delve into the self in relative anonymity. Paradoxically, the constant movement of travel induces a strange stillness of the mind - Samatha and hence Vipassana, as the Buddhists would have it... These are some of my travel musings...

Tower of Silence, Sky Burial and Birds of Prey

A look at the Parsi Tower of Silence, the ritual of Sky Burial, the legends and rationale behind it and the link to the Birds of Prey. Sky burial is the practice of ritualistically leaving the dead as food for the birds of prey and Mother Nature. Sounds gruesome doesn’t it? There must be some rationale...