Romantic destinations of India

Kashmir-the paradise on earth

Kashmir, romancing the paradise

This couplet from Amir Khusrau says it all about Kashmir. Agar firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast, Hameen ast-o hameen ast-o hameen ast If there is a paradise on earth, It is this, it is this, it is this” So what does a paradise look like ? Meadows, valleys, mountain peaks, lakes and flower gardens ! Did you...

Pachmarhi-a quaint romantic hill station

Have you read this Hindi poem “Satpura ke ghane jungle neend mein doobe hue se (the dense forests of Satpura are in deep sleep)” ? This used to be a part of our Hindi text book in high school. For us then, Satpura used to be a proxy for anything  which is profound or can’t...

Andaman Islands- a natural wonder and a great holiday option

Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprise of 572 islands ,  forming an archipelago at the juncture of Bay of Bengal and Andaman sea.  Currently only 37 islands are inhabited. Pristine beaches, marine life,  great underwater sports option, an intriguing ancient settlement , Andaman islands will tick all the boxes for an ideal vacation. Did you know...