
Travel Musings – Being Shiva – Create with love, Abandon without a care

Travel musings

Solo travel has a great way of clearing the mind. It allows one to think and delve into the self in relative anonymity. Paradoxically, the constant movement of travel induces a strange stillness of the mind - Samatha and hence Vipassana, as the Buddhists would have it... These are some of my travel musings...

Quarantine Queues

Quarantine Queues

This is a ramble about the Quarantine. And the self. Why Queues, you ask? No reason, I say. Of course, the Quarantine has Queues – in front of the provision shops, transport hubs, liquor vends, etc. Hence, Quarantine Queues. There is no other connect that this blog has with queues. Actually, I used the word...