Adaptation in Antarctica – the key to survival – Beyonder

seal eyes adaptation Antarctica

Adaptation in Antarctica – the key to survival – Beyonder

How do animals survive here?

The simple answer is adaptation in Antarctica. Humans put on warm clothes and torches to survive. Animals do better – they adapt. The ocean-dwellers are protected from the extreme weather by the water… The waters are full-up with food and hence it’s a comfortable home… Some migrate to the northern climes for the winter. In fact, the Antarctic penguins and seals get out of the water only to breed and rest… Adaptation can take many forms – the seals have their extra-large eyes and sensitive whiskers, the penguins and seals have their fat and fur… In short, using nature to survive, in spite of nature… Seems paradoxical? Read on…

Nature is best left alone

As long as humans and others don’t interfere, nature will ensure the survival of animals… In fact, in the first expedition to reach the South Pole, Roald Amundsen’s Norwegian team used sled dogs. These were kept and used in Antarctica. But there was a danger of them spreading diseases like canine distemper to the seals there… Or maybe become predators there… They were hence banned from Antarctica in the early 1990s… In fact, there was an experiment with cows being brought in which was also abandoned. Nature is best left alone, to work its wonders.

Seals, eyes and whiskers – the macho route to adaptation in Antarctica

The Antarctic seals have developed large eyes to help them hunt underwater where the light is low due to the ice covering. They also have highly sensitive whiskers to help sense prey without the help of sight or sound.

Cruelty of nature in order to be kind – Sacrifice for Adaptation in Antarctica

Oh, adaptation is not only to help the animals survive. Some of nature’s tricks are also to help the prey not survive… and hence help the hunters survive! Like some of the squids and fish are cursed with bio-luminescence. This probably helps penguins spot and eat them!

And warmth. They haven’t got access to clothes and sweaters and thermal clothing, do they? They rely on good old fat and fur… Cheaper, don’t you think?

Penguins, seals, fat and fur – The comfortable way to Adaptation in Antarctica

Penguins and seals keep warm with layers of fat (blubber). Fur seals have some of the warmest fur around – made of 2 layers, the coarse guard hair that is the outer layer (and hence longer) and the dense, insulating underfur that is protected by the guard hairs. Ingenious isn’t it? Somewhat similar to reindeer hair (in the Arctic region) being hollow and hence using air to insulate… Like the fur seals, penguins also have layers of feathers in addition to the fat…

The Emperor penguins use Operations Management theory and Math to keep warm. They form huddles, in order to have maximum warmth in the center of the huddle. And take turns to brave the cold by moving along the spiral accurately. Sounds interesting? Want some more info on the penguins of Antarctica? Or maybe the seals of Antarctica?

Would you like to read more about Antarctica?

Interested in heading to Antarctica? Check out some of the trips to Antarctica on Beyonder Travel.

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Comment (1)

  • Straton Reply

    Oh my GOD JEHOVAH!!!!!!
    This kind of animal adaptability reveals the power of nature creatures by only Divinity. hope tooo.

    August 24, 2022 at 9:21 am

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