The Beatles Effect

Abbey Road

The Beatles Effect

The Beatles and Abbey Road – Legend, lore and history

The Beatles’ iconic album Abbey Road has a song called Golden Slumbers. It goes:

Golden slumbers fill your eyes

Smiles await you when you rise

Have you heard it yet? If you haven’t, here’s the link – hear it, you will love it. Golden Slumbers . And if you have, hear it again😉  

The Beatles’ Abbey Road

Abbey Road is more than just a name. Its a place that every Beatles fan would know very well. And would wish to visit at least once in their lifetime. It was the name of the last album launched by the band. But its more than just an album’s name. It is an emotion – a last try by an iconic group wracked (and wrecked) by interpersonal relationships.

One of the last albums where Paul McCartney and John Lennon’s famous chemistry was on display (at least in parts). Huge amount of memorabilia here, at least for the Beatles fans. For instance, did you know that Yoko Ono, Lennon’s wife, had an accident and was bed-ridden. She still wanted to be in the recording sessions. Hence, Lennon had a bed set up in the EMI Studios (renamed as Abbey Road Studios) for her to be part of the recording! In fact, this insistence of Yoko Ono being a part of the sessions contributed to the band disbanding…

Abbey Road now

It’s also an actual street in London where the Beatles recorded most of their music that set fire to the music industry. The classic Beatles poster with all the members posing on the zebra crossing of the street has made the zebra crossing a landmark for all their fans. Most of them pose like the Beatles for selfies and pictures.

The Abbey Road Studios (EMI studios which got renamed in honour of the iconic album) which is located on the same road has been a hotspot for song recordings and has been used by several singers and bands over the years including Michael Jackson and Queen. Although visitors are not allowed inside for the studios are still running, there is a virtual tour available of the place. 

A fun fact about the road is that it is watched 24×7 through cameras to provide live recordings of the place. This is live streamed on their website called Live Feed so visitors and fans have the option of watching it live at their comfort. Try it – click here… 

The Beatles forever

If you wish to be transported to the era of 1960s then Abbey Road will surely do it for you. For Beatles lovers, it is THE destination to head to and your London tour would definitely be incomplete without a visit down memory lane. Non-lovers of Beatles, please, please, become Beatles lovers… 😉

To read about The Beatles and their tryst with India, click here The Beatles in India

In case you wish to explore and are keen on experiential travel, visit

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