Gandhi’s Ashes in Uganda?
Just before you embark on the boat ride to visit the Source of the Nile, you will be surprised to find a well maintained monument honouring Mahatma Gandhi. A bronze bust of the Mahatma was unveiled by the then Prime Minister of India – Mr. I K Gujral during his official visit to Uganda in 1997.

The plaque mentions that Gandhi’s ashes were immersed in this place in 1948! The intriguing question – why here? What was Mahatma Gandhi’s connection with Uganda? Apparently, As per his last wishes, on his death in 1948 his ashes were divided up to be scattered in several of the world’s great rivers, including the Nile in Uganda. This bronze bust, donated by the Indian government, commemorates the event. The Bank of Baroda in Uganda now maintains the monument.
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